Products and tools
For art collectors and buyers:
consists of a physical artwork bound to a digital certificate of authenticity
Edition 1 of ... (insert number)
where, before issuing a NFT, the artist choses how many issues or digital originals he or she wants to inscript on to the blockchain. Contains only the NFT itself
For artists.
Protect your artwork, digital or physical, against fraudulent activities by issuing a tailored digital certificate of authenticity (DCA) for copyright, and origin determination purposes. DCA's are an issue of a NFT on Solana blockchain, with the properties of selected artwork that are bound together and identifiable. With this tool you'll be able to issue, and to store your artwork with us. If the artwork is exclusivelly listed on our platform, then the listing, and storage is free of charge.
NFTs provide a level of transparency that traditional art markets do not. Each NFT is verified on a blockchain network, making its ownership and authenticity easily traceable. This makes it much more difficult for forgeries or copies to be sold as genuine works, a common issue in the traditional art market
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